Who is this course for?

Who is this course for?

Designed for advanced trainees, recent fellows, and consultants making the leap to private practice, this course ensures a smooth transition into the entrepreneurial world of healthcare.

What will you learn?

Gain comprehensive insights into the fundamental principles, strategies, and actions essential for establishing, managing, and growing a healthcare business. From legal frameworks to business models, marketing strategy and wealth creation, acquire the strategies and habits needed for both business success and a fulfilling lifestyle.

Master the fundamentals for a seamless transition and unlock the secrets to a thriving medical business.

The themes we will explore include:

The themes we will explore include:

  • Practice set-up
  • Business planning and growth strategies
  • Practice management and the role of the practice manager
  • Marketing and community engagement
  • Data science and business intelligence
  • Tax, accounting, business and legal structures
  • Employment and recruitment
  • Risk management
  • Wealth creation and lifestyle planning
  • Asset protection and estate planning

Yes, each CBD venue will offer preferential rates on overnight accommodation, which will be sent with your confirmation.

Once you complete the registration process, we will send you payment details within 10 business days.

Yes, but each person will need to complete their own registration.

No, anyone can attend, but Avant members receive a discount and can access our early-bird rate.

Yes, just email growthacademy@avant.org.au with the details and we will transfer your registration.

Smart-casual dress is fine throughout, but we will have a range of networking opportunities over   meals and drinks.

No formal preparation is required just an open mind, enthusiastic attitude and a desire to reimagine your future.

Please email growthacademy@avant.org.au with any other questions.

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